ELEC205 - Light Commercial Electrical: Apartment Facilities Maintenance 3D/VR

This course simulates maintenance scenarios in three contexts in an apartment environment: a rental office, a fitness center, and a parking lot. You will learn to diagnose and correct problems with fluorescent and High Intensity Discharge (HID) lighting, in the rental office and parking lot spaces respectively, while the fitness center space will provide practice with troubleshooting electrical equipment in a commercial context.Commercial Electrical: Apartment Facilities Maintenance
Electrical Sim ELEC210 This course simulates maintenance scenarios in three contexts in an apartment environment: a rental office, a fitness center, and a parking lot. You will learn to diagnose and correct problems with fluorescent and High Intensity Discharge (HID) lighting, in the rental office and parking lot spaces respectively, while the fitness center space will provide practice with troubleshooting electrical equipment in a commercial context.

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